7 Great Sources of Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals

A healthy diet may look different for every individual because of the unique needs of the body. No one has the same physical makeup as any other human with even identical twins having significant chemical differences.

To promote a healthy lifestyle, figuring out which dietary choices will work for you can sometimes be confusing. Should you follow a plant-based diet or go protein-rich? Are you lacking certain nutrients that will require a shift in your food choices? Does your family have a history of cholesterol meaning you should avoid processed foods even more? There are endless questions to consider, as well as endless possibilities for what your priorities should be.

To make things simpler, vitamins and minerals are extremely important for your body but are not produced by it. They help develop your immune system, contribute to natural growth, and supply your cells with the nutrients needed to carry out their functions. Everyone needs a steady supply of key vitamins and minerals in their diets to promote a healthy lifestyle. Here are 7 great sources of vitamins and minerals that you can add to your diet.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a popular cooking element that not only enhances flavor but provides a great source of vitamin E and vitamin K. It retains more nutrients than vegetable oil, which is highly refined. You can use it in many versatile ways while cooking and can also serve as a base for salad dressing.

Citrus Fruits

Fruits such as oranges or grapefruits can also provide several essential vitamins for your body. Vitamin C, vitamin B, and folic acid are commonly associated with citrus fruits, making them a perfect delivery system for multiple nutrients that your body can use. Since vitamins and minerals all come from outside the body, a steady intake of fruits will supply the ingredients your cells need to function.


If you are looking for an increase in calcium, potassium, and other minerals, milk could be the solution. These minerals promote many essential body functions, including bone density and growth. Make sure you drink milk in moderation, however, because of the high levels of fat that it can contain.


Though supplements should not be a substitute for a balanced diet, they are a great way to support health with extra vitamins and minerals that the body can use. Many people have added supplements to their diets to increase the levels of nutrients that they are receiving in a more convenient way. Whether they take the form of capsules, pills, mixing powders, gummies, or gels, supplements can promote optimal levels of vitamins and minerals entering the body.

Red Meat

Iron deficiency is a common health concern across the world, with many individuals lacking the right levels to promote the health of red blood cells. Iron plays a very important role in carrying oxygen throughout the body, and red meats are a popular source of this vital mineral. Pork and poultry are other sources of iron that can ensure your levels are maintained to avoid iron deficiency symptoms.

Oily Fish

Oily fish provides key vitamins and minerals that your body needs. This superfood contains protein, zinc, selenium, vitamins A, B, and D, and omega-3 fatty acids. All of these nutrients cannot be produced by the body, making them essential to include in your diet. Though this type of fish has a higher fat content than others, its powerful supply of multiple nutrients makes it a high-value food for a healthy lifestyle.

Dark Leafy Greens

While kids may not love it, including dark leafy greens in their diets early on will provide them with plenty of essential nutrients. Of course, adults should partake in this habit as well. As a source of calcium, magnesium, iron, and plenty of key vitamins, consuming dark leafy greens daily will set you up well for well-supplied cells. If it is hard to convince the little ones to eat these vegetables, try combining them with olive oil and some seasoning to bring out more flavor and encourage healthy eating habits at a young age. Plus, this combination will pack a big punch in terms of nutrients.

What Vitamins and Minerals Are You Lacking?

Assessing your current dietary plan should be the first step toward a healthier lifestyle. Learn more about what types of food you tend to eat and the nutrients they are providing for your body. If you spot a gap in certain vitamins in minerals that you are missing out on completely or not getting enough of, try out some of these options to increase those levels.

Your cells require key vitamins and minerals to carry out their essential functions, so decide to feed them well and promote a healthier lifestyle with a nutrient-rich diet.