How diabetes affects blood vessels
How diabetes affects blood vessels
As complex as the condition is, diabetes has been proven to cause negative effects on various organs and parts of the body. Uncontrolled diabetes can cause the blood glucose levels to rise that cause damage and disruptions to blood vessels, which comprise the arteries, capillaries, as well as the veins. Each are responsible for their particular functions, and a condition called diabetes could lead to complete loss of the same. In this article, we will attempt to understand the causes in the way that diabetes affect blood vessels in the patient’s body.
How Can Complications in Diabetes Affect the Blood Vessels?
It is widely known that various complications of diabetes can cause damage within various blood vessels in the body. If the blood vessels in a specific organ are damaged this organ is unable to function in a way. Organs more at risk due to the disease and complications are the eyes, the heart as well as the brain as well as kidneys.
Effect of Diabetes on the Blood Vessels
Diabetes can have a negative effect on the normal function of blood vessels because of the following causes:
In the case of diabetes, patients typically have high concentrations of blood glucose. In the end the elevated blood sugar can cause damage to the blood vessels within the body.
Nitric oxide is an essential component that plays a role in smoothing the blood vessels. High blood sugar levels slow down it down the production of this vital ingredient, which means that the blood vessels within patients are more likely to narrow over a time.
If you’re a person who is suffering from diabetes and related complications, your blood may contain what’s called Advanced Glycation End Products or AGEs as they are referred to. These are the results of a process that causes the glycation process of proteins and fats as the blood of the body is carrying excessive sugar or glucose.
If you has diabetes, you might have lower levels of the fatty acid synthase. It is a fatty acid synthase that assists the nitrous oxide mentioned above to perform efficiently and allows the compound to ensure well-functioning blood vessels.
What is the mechanism that allows nitrous oxide to work effectively and generate healthier blood vessels? This is called palmitoylation. If you suffer from diabetes, the absence or insufficient production of the chemical fatty acid synthase causes disruption to the process of palmitoylation and this causes ineffective functioning of blood vessels.
Additionally, some studies by experts suggest that an additional reason the diabetes causes the contraction of blood vessels may be due to a protein called kinase.
As you can see it is possible that diabetes could cause disturbances in the normal function of blood vessels because of the possibility of elevated glucose levels.
Clogging of the Blood Vessels
When blood vessels become damaged because of the reasons mentioned above The body will then build up cholesterol to ensure that the vessels don’t suffer any further damage. However, because of this defense it is possible that you’ll be suffering from atherosclerosis, or blocked blood vessels. It also increases blood pressure within the body, which can cause more destruction. Thus, it’s vital to stay away from the blood vessel that is damaged and to maintain them as health as is possible.
How to Keep Your Blood Vessels Healthy?
As mentioned earlier damaged blood vessels may negatively affect the functioning of vital organs in the body. This is why it is crucial that blood vessels are well-maintained. To help with this we will look at some of the simple and straightforward ways we can accomplish the same goal:
As much as you can you can, keep your blood sugar levels within the recommended limits.
Make sure you eat healthy meals, under the supervision by your physician
Maintain levels of cholesterol and triglycerides within the range of recommended levels
As little stress as you can
Stop smoking and cut down on your alcohol consumption
Get rid of extra calories from your body
Get active regularly
We hope that this article was helpful in understanding the link to diabetes, as well as the negative effects that diabetes has on various blood vessels in the body. Protecting blood vessels from all kinds of damage is crucial and you must take the appropriate measures to manage your diabetes and to lower the amounts of blood sugar.